Does your student struggle with AMPS
(attention, memory and processing skills?)

Our AMPS Cognitive Skills Training Program is based on proven ideas from the fields of cognitive neuroscience and behavioral optometry.

These brain exercises are designed to improve mental processing speed, working memory, attention, sequential processing, spatial orientation, visual and auditory memory, phonological awareness, motor planning, problem-solving, and reasoning.

AMPS uses fun and challenging non-academic activities to build more efficient mental tools for thinking and learning. The 46 different procedures provide variety and interest for the student while reinforcing new skills. For best results, it should be provided on a one-to-one basis for 4-6 hours per week to help develop more efficient neuropathways and connections in the brain. This program is great for students of ALL ages, even senior citizens!

This 15-18 week program can completely transform your student’s learning! Interested? Let’s talk!