Be honest about where you’re at – with yourself and your parents! You may even want to create a contract with all the details written out.

  1. Print out your grades and all the details of class assignments and list any missing work or incomplete work. Use a highlighter and write them down on lined paper in order of point value.

  2. Email your teachers. Be humble and honest and share where you’re at. Keep it short! Be respectful. Use, “Dear _____” and “Respectfully_____” Read over the email after writing to be sure it covers the information you are trying to relay.

  3. Follow up with the email and go and meet with the teacher! Showing up ‘in person’ says you’re serious and mean what you say. This shows you care, and teachers respond positively when you follow up. How can you make this happen (ie email, ask in class, schedule a time, be sure you have enough time and a ride, utilize the teachers hours that are offered for meetings)

  4. Content dump This could be a “backpack dump” or “floor dump” where you spread all your paperwork, books, binders etc… on the floor or your desk and make some sense of all the parts. Make piles for trash, recycling, “to be turned in” and any follow up needed.

  5. Update your planner and specifically do these things:

    • Tear out previous old dates/pages so it’s only current and future dates - or use a plastic tab for the current week of the planner. 

    • Get a notebook or use a yellow pad and make a complete list of items and order them according to priority.

    • Use a box to check or cross items out that you complete as you go.  

    • Reload all your things: placing urgent items in an accessible and visible location — maybe even a brightly colored folder.

  6. Prioritize your list. Here’s several options on how to order them:

    • Easiest to hardest

    • Longest to shortest

    • Most important to least important

  7. Get accountability! “I plan to do these 3 things by 6pm – check on me?” Get someone who can check in to see how your plan is working. Elect a specific person and ask them to set a timer to check back at the end. Plan what you will say to elicit the help needed. Identify the 3 things and be sure they are achievable by estimating how much time it will take to complete them. 

  8. Get STARTED! RESTART! Distractions will come, start again….and again and again….. Be specific and concrete with what you’re going to do. Vague or unclear expectations often lead to stress. 

  9. Repeat this process EVERY week until your grades improve. Choose a specific day of the week to check in and record your grades so you can see how (and maybe why") they are changing - hopefully for the better!

  10. Be proactive – pay attention to what is coming up for you and add those things to your planner. This is ideally done at the beginning of the month so you have a good overview of your commitments. Consider some of these significant schedule items:

    • Quarter ending? 

    • Semester change? 

    • Spring Break? 

    • Winter Break? 

    • Any big family commitments that may interfere with your schedule.

You’ve GOT THIS! We see this effective list in action with our most successful students!

Let’s GO!
