Ask your student to make a list of things they want to do over winter break or spring break. Then pick dates/times for as many of them that you can make happen!
List your favorite holiday movies - and make dates to watch as many as you can! Make popcorn or other fun treats to enjoy together. Draw them into your plans.
Plan a night out to look at lights - there are so many great displays in our area. Make it an event…. buy everyone a hot chocolate or mocha’s and take a car ride (maybe even having holiday music playing) and enjoy the view!
Include your student in any meal prep plans and have them be responsible for an item. We have some great cooks in our group of students. They can make a delicious contribution!
Avoid asking your student WHY - instead ask “what’s happening for you.” Inquiring this way is more of a welcome to a possible conversation vs. an indictment. Creating meaningful connections over the holidays (and all year long) makes your time together sweet. Be intentional about listening to their stressors or anxious thoughts. Be the safe place for them to enjoy all the sites, tastes and holiday goodness.
Follow their lead! Sometimes parents want the student to be interested in what they are doing when we should be more curious about what they are interested in. Follow their curiosity - ask good questions - delight in what delights them! This leads to improved connection with them!