Our students are making huge gains in their learning just by choosing a dedicated reading time - both during their tutoring sessions and at home.
Reading has been proven to enrich vocabulary, develop empathy (as you read about another person’s experience) and increase knowledge, reasoning and communication skills.
The obvious benefit you’d consider first is the expansion of ones vocabulary. Practicing a “word a day” games can be fun and develop vocab skills! Try using a new word in a sentence - making sure it makes sense!
Studies show that reading for just 20 minutes a day can expose you to over 1.8 million words a year! There are lots of studies showing a range of 15 - 30 min of reading each day actually impacts your brain health!
Reading improves overall memory skills, improves mental stimulation and concentration, expands your vocabulary and even helps your sleep improve!
The more we read, the more recall we have! Its like going to the gym every day but works on the muscle that is your brain!
Go to the library - pick out a couple of books - and start exercising that muscle!